Cowboy For A Season (The New West) Read online

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  She loved the wood-burned horseshoes on the pine furniture and the brightly-colored Mexican blankets thrown over the backs of the couch and chairs.

  When they got to the kitchen, Becky said, "Hannah, this is my son, Charlie."

  A small boy of about five put out his hand, "Hi."

  Somehow, she'd forgotten that Todd and Becky had a boy. She clasped his hand. "Hi, Charlie." He was a real cutie.

  Stepping out the back door, Hannah's gaze sought Chloe, finding her playing with a black-and-white border collie. Hannah headed in the little girl's direction, kneeling down in front of her and giving her a hug.

  Alex called, "Hello, Hannah. Would you like a beer?"

  Her vision zeroed in on his broad chest and every muscle that bulged through the thin material covering it. Oh my God. He's wearing a t-shirt. Was her tongue hanging out? "Hey, Alex, yeah, I'd love one." She ripped her gaze away from the sexy Brazilian and released the child, heading over to her host. Licking her suddenly-dry lips, she said, "Hi, Todd. What's on the menu?"

  "Here on the pit we have deer sausage links and some steaks. Becky's making beans and cornbread and some potato salad. We have iced tea, too." He eyed her and grinned. "Don't you look pretty, Miss Hannah. I'm glad you came."

  Alex walked over and handed her a beer. "You're beautiful, Hannah." He smiled and the spark in those big brown eyes of his had her insides turning to mush.

  "Thanks, guys." She popped her beer open and took a sip, keeping her eyes on Todd and away from oh-so-gorgeous Alex. That's when she remembered she held Chloe's present.

  Scrupulously keeping her gaze on Alex's face, she said, "I hope you don't mind. I bought some things for Chloe when I was in town last night. Now that she's my helper, I thought she should dress the part."

  He smiled. "Sure, Hannah. Thank you."

  Her duty to Todd finished, she couldn't wait to get her hands on the little girl again. She called, "Chloe, I have a present for you."

  Chloe seemed confused.

  Alex said, "Come here, bebȇ," as he and Hannah walked toward the child.

  Chloe stood uncertainly, smiling at her dad. "Birthday, Daddy?"

  "No, bebȇ, you just had your birthday."

  Hannah knelt in front of her again and handed Chloe the bag, which was nearly as tall as the little girl. "Pull out those papers, honey."

  Her clear blue eyes wide with excitement, Chloe threw the brightly-colored tissue on the grass and peered inside. "Shoes?"

  Bright red boots sat on top of the clothes. Hannah said, "Yes, you have your own cowgirl boots now. Let's see what else is in there." Hannah gave Chloe the boots and brought out the tiny Wranglers, socks, and cute little t-shirts. One said, Daddy's Little Cowgirl.

  Alex picked up the shirt. "Aw, meu bebȇ menina." Wrapping his arm around Hannah's shoulders, he squeezed her in a warm hug. "Thank you, Hannah. My little girl will be a real cowgirl now."

  Hannah shivered. His muscular chest pressed into her shoulder as his arm gently embraced her. It had been so long since a man had touched her with tenderness. A raw ache welled inside her, and it was all she could do to keep from leaning into him.

  Grinning, Alex said, "We must put this on you, Chloe." He stood and held his hand out to his daughter. "Do you want to wear your jeans and boots, too?"

  Chloe nodded eagerly.

  Hannah's fingers ached to be the one to dress the precious little thing in her new clothes. But it wasn't her place. Her gaze clung to Alex and Chloe as they disappeared into the house. A light went out inside Hannah. This is how it would always be. It would never be her putting on the clothes because it would never be her child. Picking up her beer, she headed over to a chair and dropped into it. Chugging her beer until she drained the can, she crushed it with one hand. It was time she got used to being barren. How she would do that was a mystery, but she had to try. She lost a whole year living in a black hole of misery and it couldn't go on. The other way out was killing herself, and she was no coward.

  She walked over and grabbed a beer from the ice chest, then returned to Todd's side. "Anything I can do to help?"

  "Naw, I've got this." He smiled. "How are you, Hannah? You holding up?"

  She stared at her boots. People expected her to be grieving.

  He said, "Look, Ty was an asshole. I don't know how he could do that to you. Just so you know, I didn't approve. I told him so, too."

  Surprised, she looked up. "You did?"

  "Damn sure did, and I told that woman he was with that she should be ashamed of herself."

  Hannah grinned and bit her lip. "Thanks, Todd. I didn't know people had my back."

  "Hell, yes. A lot of us disapproved. You didn't deserve what he did to you."

  A weight lifted from her. Instead of thinking she was stupid, her neighbors had cared about how badly Ty had treated her. She hadn't really been alone after all. Taking a sip of beer, she smiled to herself as a sense of wellness filled up her insides. "Todd?

  He glanced up from the grill.

  "Thanks for inviting me."

  Grinning, he patted her back. "You're welcome, Hannah. I'm just glad you said yes. We should have asked you over a long time ago."

  The back door opened, and Alex came out holding a transformed Chloe. The little girl's face held the widest smile Hannah had ever seen on her, and she swung her booted legs back and forth. Alex called, "Look at my little cowgirl, Hannah."

  She was by his side before she realized she was moving, her arms outstretched for Chloe. "Can I hold you, baby?"

  Chloe leaned toward Hannah, and she scooped the little girl into her arms. Oh God. She feels so good. Hannah, her eyes closed, hugged the little girl, moving slowly side-to-side.

  Alex spoke, interrupting her communion. "Hannah, can I ask you a favor? My daughter must have more clothes, and you know Carlsbad. Would you help me buy some for her?"

  Her heart leapt. She had a fantasy about shopping for children’s clothes. "Of course. There's Wal-Mart and also a mall. How about next Saturday afternoon?"

  He smiled. "Thank you, Hannah. What time? I'll pick you up."

  "About three?"

  "Okay. I'll buy dinner, too." He paused a moment, and touched Hannah's arm. "I appreciate everything you do for me and Chloe." His eyes held Hannah's for an extra moment.

  She felt the warmth from his gaze swirling in her chest, growing hotter. The man was so sweet and, damn, he was sexy. And the guy wasn't even trying. "You're welcome. I enjoy my time with Chloe. Honestly."

  Chloe had been inspecting Hannah's dangling earrings and said, "Pwetty."

  Hannah couldn't bear to put the child down, so carried her over by Becky, who had brought out a pot of beans to the long wooden picnic table in the shade on the porch. "I'm sorry, I should have been inside helping you."

  "Oh my gosh. No way. You're here to visit and have a good time. I love the clothes you bought Chloe. She's adorable in them. That was so kind of you."

  Hannah kissed the little girl's cheek and hugged her again. "She's my helper. She needed to dress the part, and I couldn't help noticing that she could use a few new things."

  Becky said, "Chloe, honey, why don't you come inside, and I'll give you a couple of cookies and some milk."

  In the kitchen, Hannah sat the little girl in the booster seat at the table while Becky set out the cookies.

  Becky motioned for Hannah to follow her into the living room. Narrowing her eyes, she shook her head and said, "I swear, if I get my hands on Debra ... if you knew how much money Alex gives that woman, you'd want to kill her, too. She's sure not spending it on Chloe." Becky told Hannah about the circumstances of Alex's marriage and divorce, adding, "Some men would send a check because the court made them and forget about the kid. Alex isn't like that, though. When Debra found out she was pregnant and insisted that she could prove it was his, they were already in the middle of their divorce. Alex immediately offered child support and had the papers changed to include it. He didn't even wait for the DNA results,
which his lawyer requested. And he’s always wanted to be a part of Chloe's life. Something Debra makes damn hard."

  Hannah frowned. "She doesn't sound like a very good mother. Poor Chloe." Acid poured into Hannah's stomach. What if the woman came back and took her daughter away from Alex? Pulse pounding, Hannah asked, "Has Alex ever tried to do something about the way Debra lives?"

  Becky made a rude noise. "He makes excuses for her and says Debra has it hard, raising Chloe as a single mom, which is such bullshit. I told you how he throws money at her. Chloe should have decent clothes, and Debra could hire a nanny if she needed help. But she won't stay anywhere long enough to make things right for Chloe. As it is, she scrounges anyone she can find to watch Chloe at night."

  Hannah reached for the back of the couch, feeling lightheaded. This baby could not go back to those living conditions. Surely Alex would do something about it if, or when, Debra came back. "I hope Alex will make some changes this time. Chloe needs him to stand up for her."

  Becky pressed her lips together. "I couldn't agree more."

  They filed back into the kitchen, and Hannah sat next to Chloe. "You like those cookies, honey?"

  She nodded, her mouth full.

  Hannah's heart twisted. She had to protect this vulnerable little girl. How, she wasn't sure.

  Later, after a wonderful dinner, Alex walked Hannah to her truck, holding his daughter in his arms. "I'm glad you came, Hannah."

  Before she could open her door, he smiled at her, looking into her eyes. "I want to hug you. Is that okay?"

  Her heart leapt. The corner of her mouth ticked up nervously. "Sure."

  His arm slid around her and she leaned into him, loving that Chloe's little arm went around her neck. He said, "I like you, Hannah. You're a nice person. And my bebȇ likes you, too." Alex held his embrace for a long moment, and let her go. "Drive safely. We will see you Monday morning."

  Hannah lifted Chloe's hand to her lips and kissed it. "See you, honey." As she drove off, she could still feel the warmth of Alex's embrace. It was wonderful and exciting and terrifying. But she couldn't get attached to this amazing man. He'd be gone in a couple of months. She wouldn't be stupid with her heart again.

  THAT NIGHT, ALEX LAY with his head on his arms as Hannah filled his thoughts.

  In the darkness, Chloe turned over in her playpen at the foot of his bed.

  His bebȇ was a restless sleeper—one reason she wasn't in his bed. That thought reminded him that he was alone tonight, as usual. He wasn't a saint. Sometimes, on the road, he took a buckle bunny to his hotel room. All the unmarried guys did. It wasn't his thing, though, and he didn't do it often. Hannah would never be a buckle bunny. The more he worked with her, the more he admired her.

  He had asked Todd about her husband, learning all about the jerk's heartless infidelity. Hannah didn't deserve that. Unconsciously, Alex's hand balled into a fist. Too bad Hannah didn't have a brother to stand up for her. Todd told him about that, too. If Alex had known, he would have done something about her asshole husband and probably been thrown in jail for the first time in his life.

  He was only getting to know Hannah, but he knew himself too well. He cared for her—as more than just a friend. His heart went out to her because he sensed her pain. His body responded to her sexy beauty. His intellect admired her strength of will. She was an amazing woman, and he wanted her.

  Hannah had a way about her that said keep your distance. Somehow, he had to break through that if he were to learn the cause of her sadness. Her husband had hurt her terribly. It wouldn't be easy. And patience wasn't something he was good at. He'd be riding again in a very short time. He had to make the weeks ahead count. His primary goal must be to help Hannah. A woman shouldn't be so sad. If he could do that before the next season started, he would be happy. Getting the stubborn little woman to open up would be hard. But he was a bull rider, and bull riders love a challenge.

  Chapter Six

  HANNAH SEARCHED THROUGH the tiny outfits at Wal-Mart, glancing at Alex as his fingers skipped through the hangers on a rack not far from her. His intense preoccupation with his search was so sweet it made her heart ache. He wanted to buy a new wardrobe for his daughter, and they were looking for sleepwear as well as play clothes that would stand up to the West Texas dirt.

  Alex surprised her when he showed up this afternoon without Chloe. He said that she would get tired before they got home, so he'd left her with Becky.

  He held up a pink two-piece shorts outfit. "Hannah, este é muito precioso, sim?"

  She grinned. He sometimes lapsed into Portuguese when he got excited, but it didn’t take much to figure out that he thought the outfit was precious. "I like it. She'll look adorable."

  Grinning, he put the set in his basket.

  She eyed him as he searched the next rack with the same intensity as before. He was such a wonderful father. Chloe was a lucky little girl in that respect. Maybe her mother did try, but her lifestyle didn't allow Debra to provide a good home for her daughter. Hannah worried desperately about Chloe if the woman came back. Debra still retained custody, despite the fact that she dumped her daughter in Alex's lap with no warning.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Hannah noted Alex dropping several more outfits in his basket. Wandering over, she asked, "Do you think you have enough play clothes? I have four sets of pajamas for her. If you're through here, maybe we can go to the mall and look for a few little dresses." Please let him agree. I'm dying to see Chloe in a dress.

  "Sure. I'll pay." He dropped Hannah's things into his basket.

  While he was at the register, she put her cart away, realizing how much fun she had shopping with him. Around Alex, she relaxed and enjoyed herself in a way that she couldn't remember doing in a very long time. With him, she forgot she was barren Hannah, the woman who would always be alone.

  Alex grabbed his bags and pushed his empty basket into the row beside her. As he escorted her across the parking lot, he settled his palm lightly in the small of her back.

  Little shivers ran up her spine. He made her feel beautiful. Her pulse sped up, and she sucked in a breath, wanting to lean into the man and feel his arms around her. I'm losing it. Increasing her pace, she added some distance between them. She could not fall for a short-term cowboy. He was here for the season, and then he would be gone.

  Alex clicked the locks on his truck as they approached and opened her door for her. "Hop in." He pulled her seatbelt out and handed it to her before she could reach for it.

  She loved the way he handled all the tiny details and smiled. "Thanks, Alex."

  "My pleasure."

  The special light in his eyes when he said it sent butterflies fluttering around in her tummy.

  Alex put his purchases in the back seat. "Tell me where this mall is, Hannah. After we buy pretty dresses for Chloe, you will tell me someplace good to eat." He grinned at her as he started the engine.

  Alex kept up the conversation as he drove, his dark gaze frequently leaving the road and searching hers. His interest, his warmth, his sweetness—they all drew her in. She was starved for these things he offered her. This irresistible cowboy was a whole heap of trouble headed straight for her heart.

  Once at the mall, they found J. C. Penney's. Her secret dream had been to have a little girl to buy tiny dresses for, and tonight fulfilled that dream. Fingering the ruffles and lace on the dresses and imagining Chloe in them transported Hannah to a world of wonder. She lost track of Alex, of the time, of everything.

  Suddenly, Alex was beside her, with his hand on her shoulder. "Hannah?"

  She blinked and stopped rubbing the tiny pink dress against her cheek. "What?" He held two small dresses in his hand, and she looked at her whole basket full of them. What was I thinking?

  Alex grinned at her. "I only have one daughter, Hannah. I don't think she can wear all those."

  Heat rose to Hannah's face. "I'll put them back. She probably only needs three or four, right?"

  Alex stared,
his eyes curious. "We can buy more if you like."

  Embarrassed, she shook her head. "No, no." As she rushed to make her choices, it was almost unbearable to hang the dresses back on the rack. She'd waited so long for this! "I tell you what, why don't you choose two from this mess, Alex? I need to use the ladies' room. Sorry." Without meeting his eyes, she strode away, not caring where the restrooms were.

  When would she realize that Chloe wasn't her child? Somehow, I've got to start protecting myself. She sucked in a breath. God, I don't know how. I want a child! Tears pooled in her eyes, and now she did want the rest room.

  After asking directions, she went in a stall and sat on the commode, not bothering to remove her clothes. She wiped her eyes with tissue. Every time she thought she had a handle on her life, something like this happened, and she realized she was still totally screwed up. Still barren Hannah.

  Resting her face in her palms, she breathed deep, hoping to find peace.

  THE DOOR OPENED, AND Alex called, "Hannah, are you in here?"

  Oh my God! "Yes, I'll be right there."

  How long have I been sitting like this? "Shit!" She bit her lip hard. "Dammit! How the hell will you explain this one, Hannah?" With makeup on, she couldn't splash water on her face. She pushed the door open, and there was a very worried Alex, with his bags in his hands, staring at her.

  "Hannah, I paged you."

  "I'm sorry—"

  "Are you okay?"

  "God, I'm so sorry, Alex. I must have lost track of time."

  His gaze pierced through her, exposing her flimsy excuse for what it was, but he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he walked over and rested his hand at her back, urging her toward the doors. "I'm happy you're okay. Now, tell me, where are we eating?"

  Oh, no. She wanted to go home. "I'm not really hungry."

  He stopped and stared at her intently, then said slowly, "Well, Miss Hannah, I'm starving." The tough glint in his eyes said he would take care of her, even if she wouldn't take care of herself. He was a bull rider, not a push over.